Friday 21 March 2014

Wednesday 19th. March.

Fog? When I opened the curtains at dawn I couldn’t see to the end of the garden. What happened to last night’s promise, but you know that it’s going to break sometime reasonably soon.

So leisurely breakfast once again, followed by another trip to Kate’s, this time to help her extract from her garden, a pipe, which turns out to be a 4 inch 60 foot long worm. (100 mm. X 20 metres)

Home to do the crosswords; as always for Norman & Monica.

Leisurely lunch inside today, but the overcast is breaking up, so Norman & Monica take me on a walk from the house.

15 minutes or so up grassy footpaths to the top of their hill where there is a new housing development on the ridge, from where, over the suburb of Stoke we can see Nelson, Tasman Bay and Waimea Inlet; on a clear day we would see the Abel Tasman National Park and the Mount Arthur Range. From this ridge we can also look down into the Marsden Valley from where a number of tracks head into the hills beyond.
So Norman & Mon have a stunning house, with stunning views.


They can walk ¼ hour to top of hill extending the views to open country, some farmland, some development, and views of the bush clad mountains behind the house.


From there another ½ hour walk would take them to the base of those hills. Another 1 hour and 5km. away to Barnicoat ridge at around 800 metres altitude. Another 5 km. to another ridge, of open to bush covered vegetation, at 1000 metres, and another 10 km. south this ridge has several 1500 and one 1700 metre peaks all within 20 km from Tasman Bay. A 30 to 40 km. drive would take them to the Mount Arthur Range, the twins of which reach 1809 metres, 465 metres higher than Ben Nevis.

But we need a leisurely day today as we have a dinner date with Kate & Will this evening, so we head down into Marsden and turn right instead, and through parkland beside a stream into Isel Park, now a fine small park owed by Nelson City Council. It is well attended has some fine flower beds, but more importantly some very majestic European trees planted by the Marsden Family about 150 years ago. It is called Isel Park after the Cumbrian Village of Isel, which is situated on the River Derwent halfway between Bassenthwaite and Cockermouth, because Thomas Marsden came from Cumberland to Stoke, a suburb of Nelson.

This led us to have a look in the Estate Agents at properties for sale in the area, before walking home!

The evening meal at the Harbour Light Bistro is a joint effort: Kate organises, Norman does the Wine, and Roger the Food as a thank you for the hospitality of the last few days.

On the waterfront with a view over harbour entrance we watch tugs bring in a container ship, and the Yacht Club Racing Night, all still in daylight.

Hot Smoked Salmon Starter, Gurnard Main, Quay Lime Pie Dessert to die for: Date with Warm Gingerbread, Caramel Sauce, Sauteed Pear & Vanilla Ice Cream next year?

Brightwater "Lord Rutherford", Nelson, Sauvignon Blanc.

Nga Waka "Botrytis Bunch Selection", Martinborough North Island, Riesling Dessert Wine: Bliss.


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