Wednesday 19 March 2014

Tuesday 18th. March.

As the distant mountains remain shrouded in cloud and the town overcast, today will be a more relaxed pace of life once again.

In the morning I help Norman move boards from his old kitchen from blocking space in his garage to Kate’s house where she and Will can make use of them in the renovation of their house.

Norman & Monica then show me around, a now sunny and warm Nelson; we walk around the shops, and I do a bit of shopping. We walk around the Cathedral which is surrounded by majestic trees planted around 150 years ago by the early settlers.


We then visit Nelson Museum, which has an exhibition on the Christchurch Earthquakes. It increases my knowledge and perspective of the event, and I find it a salutary and moving experience.

Home for lunch on the Patio

It is now quite hot, and after lunch I don as little as possible, plus sunscreen, and we drive up the Maitai Valley to Maitai Dam, which supplies Nelson with its water, and has numerous walks on old tramways from the doomed days of prospecting and mining of various ores such as chromium.


This, like most of the valleys around here, and in fact all of NZ (I can only talk of South Island of course) is narrow, steep and wooded with either native bush or introduced species forestry. Some places are so steep that I cannot imagine how they planted this forestry, never mind how they will harvest.

This picture doesn’t show the true scale of it all: very difficult to capture

After yet another of Mon’s lovely meals, and Norman’s wines (Norman knows me well and is treating me to gorgeous desert wine as well – every night) the cloud starts to break over on the distant mountains (50 km.) and we get a spectacular sunset over a spectacular skyline: It is my first real view of the Twins on Mount Arthur, with whom Norman and I have a date. Next year???


Looking East from Norman & Mon’s balcony over the Waimea Inlet to the Mount Arthur Range 50 km. away: Cloud above and below.


Spot the twins





Promising a good day tomorrow?



  1. I think you had better're having such a good experience and you look so well and sound so happy! We do recall coming back after five weeks and it was a bit of a letdown, so after six weeks of wandering....well?

  2. It is being considered. I am certainly thinking about coming back to do more of North Island next year, and try and get to do Mount Arthur with Norman, and I think that spending every UK winter here, would add a few years to my life. It has made me realise how hard the UK winters do hit me.
