Tuesday 4 March 2014

Tuesday 4th. March.


Again heavy rain in the night, but it had stopped by daybreak, and the sky was nearly clear, and the temperature now down to 4˚C. Turned the radiator on, but I never feel as cold as I would at the same temperature at home.

Anyway it looks a promising day for drive round to Queenstown Glenorchy! Early in the drive I am sure I saw a sign – Rainbow Road – although it isn’t called that on the map, and also not to be confused with the 4WD track in the North done by Norman, Mon and Jemma round turn of the year, so it is probably a local name because of all the rain and you are heading South with any sun in the North. It gave as good as its promise, and the weather deteriorated seriously as the morning’s drive progressed. The drive was still interesting though, still very Scottish flatlands early on, with some of the biggest and best grassland farms I have seen so far, they obviously get plenty of rain round here, so good looking green profitable grass: much more so than what I saw of the Canterbury Plains where expensive irrigation was needed. Lots of sheep, but some cattle and deer. All these Kiwi farms have very little infrastructure - hardly any buildings at all – I guess the climate and free draining soils allow the farmers to outwinter all their stock, unlike most of us in the UK who have to house ours for 5 months of the year because of soil damage. Also not being subsidised Kiwi farmers have to be exceedingly financially efficient and just cannot afford such luxury. As on some of the previous days driving, once again the land became progressively more lowland then highland Scottish landscape. It was still pretty well overcast when I arrived at Lake Wakatipu, but the cloud was beginning to lift and break a little, and it was obvious that I was arriving in very different territory to anything I had seen so far. All very exciting in the prospect, but infuriating in that secrets above were not fully revealed. It was obvious that the mountains were becoming more Alpine, and that there was snow up there. I think that the snow in summer is fairly abnormal. Also infuriating to photograph because of cloud, the sun in front of the best views, and the contrast of the snow.


OK photos better than expected: very difficult to tell on the camera screen.

Gorgeous drive all the way along the lake to Queenstown.

Queenstown big, sprawling and bustling, and I am feeling tired of everything today. I am aiming for Glenorchy 40km. further at the Top of the Lake – TV Drama Reference there – so ring ahead to see if accommodation available: long way to come back if not, and get a 2 night motel. Need a few supplies and get lost looking for a supermarket, but happen on an upmarket delicatessen, where can’t resist many expensive delights; so supper tonight is Quinoa Salad with all sorts of delights thrown in – roast pumpkin, avocado, cucumber, raisins etc. – followed by apple lattice pie. Chocolate as well; Kiwi chocolate is brilliantly irresistible, and coming home with me: Grandchildren please note, and don’t let me forget. Also their gorgeous smoked chicken suits well with broccoli for a future quick meal.


It is still before 2.00 pm so get out of “Dodge” as fast as I can. (ask an oldy if you don’t understand)

Another lovely lakeside drive, strong wind whipping up the lake; weather improving all time but not fast enough for full views, but shows promise for tomorrow, and photos turn out better than expected.


Arrive and settle into Motel, the take a 2 hour local loop walk from the village round a multiple pond, lake area, on gravel tracks, and boardwalks/ duckboard walkways through the swampy bits: In the sun, coldish wind, but fleece not needed.


Time to do the blog before bed as feel rested.

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