Saturday 8 March 2014

Saturday 8th. March. 

Again on previous recommendation I today head off to the Rob Roy Glacier Track, but first I have to drive through the traffic for the A&P Show plus a nearly as big mountain bike rally, but once through it turns out to be 30km. on tarmac followed by 30km. on gravel road: why did I put the car through the carwash previously?

The drive is worth it into the Matukitiku Valley, a relatively broad flat valley of varying width, hemmed in by rugged grass and rock hills up to bare mountain tops (2000 metres). It is greener here than close to town, and farmed intensively with livestock: some deer, more sheep, but even more Hereford cattle: more than I have ever seen. As you get further in you get a good view of Mount Aspiring (3027 metres) and neighbouring peaks

As you start to walk in through the beech forest alongside yet another milky blue stream down in another gorge, with more towering cliffs above ( I need some sea and swimming as a break from all this) you get occasional sights of the goal: the Rob Roy Glacier.



These last 2 looking back along the way
This along the way might be a bit worrying


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