Sunday 2 March 2014

Saturday 1st. March.

Drive from Papatowai to Te Anau

Very heavy rain before dawn, but the day starts clear and cold - 6˚C – so fleece and waterproof on.

Stopped for a morning constitutional down to the beach and Cathedral Caves (there are many Cathedral Caves all around NZ) where the custodian was bemoaning that this was supposed to be their Summer. I don’t feel so cold so I guess the air is much drier down here than UK. The caves are gigantic and go back about 75 metres, and you can go in one and out of another because they join in a Y shape. However if you got cut off by the tide you would be up to your neck in water and in great danger if the sea were rough. The walk down the cliff is through native bush comprised of some very big trees and a lot of ferns and tree ferns.


The Catlins is a very large rugged area of mainly native forest and is mostly State Forest Park. It was logged heavily by the early settlers and largely initially built Dunedin, but that died out thankfully to leave such a great Nature Reserve, I am guessing because of the difficulty of access and the establishment of all those Douglas Fir plantations around Dunedin.

Being so hilly and winding, the coastal road is slow going, but as you head towards Invercargill - a vast sprawling town -  the land becomes a great plain but being so far south it is virtually all grassland; mainly sheep, but a few cattle: much more fertile and green than further north.

Follow the scenic route to Te Anau via Riverton and Tuatapere past some beautiful beaches with waves rolling in.

The route inland towards Te Anau is still surprisingly low rolling sheep country despite the promise of mountains in the distance; I guess it will change rapidly as I follow the shore of South Islands biggest lake towards Milford Sound.

Not having made a booking this time I drive round the town to see what accommodation on offer, and this time get a good value motel with a double and 3 singles all to myself for 3 nights (could have a party : maybe will : I doubt it)

Went to see the Fiordland Film at the cinema: not in 3D but very very spectacular: bought the DVD

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