Tuesday 25 February 2014

Tuesday 25th. Feb.


Walked with Lila to Kea point (still haven’t seen one – seen very few birds by and large – odd chaffinch, quite a few sparrows and quite a lot of Buzzards) for a magnificent morning view of Mount Cook

Mount Cook from Kea Point

Then a short drive over a gravel road to another walk to view the grey debris covered lower reaches of the Tasman Glacier and fleeting glimpses of Mount Cook through cloud from a different angle.

A quick drive back to Lake Tekapo to deliver Lila to the Christchurch bus, whilst on the way, trying to get a few good pictures of Mount Cook from a distance with the milky sky blue Lake Tekapo in the foreground.

Last picnic lunch with Lila before I will miss her company: a delightful and beautiful girl in every sense of the word: And within a week she will be in Glasgow for a couple of years poor girl!

Wandered back to Mount Cook pottering about taking pictures of Lake Tekapo and – yes more again of Mount Cook – all difficult against the sun.

Had to wait around an hour and a half at the Glentanner Helicopter base until more people arrived to fill a flight, but well worth it. Quite an experience as never having been in one before, and what a place to make your first flight, over the Tasman Glacier and across the face of Mount Cook, with all the hanging glaciers and the high hut.

Mount Cook from the Air


Back home to do my first home cooking of the trip – a ragout? of pork, courgettes, peppers and mushrooms - easiest option with only 2 rings and not wanting to make too much mess, but forgot to put in the tomatoes a and had forgotten to buy onions: I am so switched off domestic matters. It tasted brilliant however, mainly I think to very flavoursome mushrooms. I made enough to last 3 days – well maybe 2.

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