Tuesday 25 February 2014

Saturday 22nd. Feb.



Martin, Mathius and Lila had to catch the bus back to Christchurch mid afternoon so we made an Alpine Start well up at six and off by first light around 7.00am.


The first leg of the day to the next hut only took 2 hours and that is the whole day for those doing it in 4 days, but theirs is all about a gentle pace with lots of time to view, swim, socialise and drink: there are advantages to that but we wanted those 2 days to see more of NZ.


The morning scenery was very similar to that of the previous afternoon, all very Scottish again – we even found a field of turnips for the sheep, but otherwise grass and imported Scots Pine stands and shelter belts. We even found Fly Agaric Toadstools: imported on the pines no doubt. So all Scottish Coastal Landscapes and Seascapes. A mid morning stop at the sandy bay but no time to swim alas, especially as Lila looks good in a bikini. Now up a long wide gully similar to yesterday’s. There is however an awful lot of gorse about: another unintended Scottish import, but it is having one useful effect in that it is providing cover for native species to return. Most of these gullies with their own special microclimate are being managed as Nature Reserves: a lot being done by the farmers. Towards the top a large area of native Beech trees: feels just like the Chilterns until you realise that the bark is dark brown and wrinkled, and the leaves although very similar are more the size of a thumbnail. The afternoon turned out to be sunny, hot and strength sapping: it was chocolate that got us to the top.

The View Back

Topped out to a spectacular view back to the last bay, and from the col it was more lower alpine in character as we descended quickly back into Akaroa with time aplenty for cold drinks etc. before I saw my 3 companions onto the bus.

Akaroa Again

Settled into my little wooden cottage for the evening: the old town bowling pavilion, refurbished to very high modern standard and taste.

Having been out of contact for 2 days now find intenet access a problem, so this blog is getting behind not least there are more important things to be doing, but this a memo for my benefit as much as for followers back home.

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